[quote author_name=”Jenni Rice” author_description=”Director & Owner” author_image=”https://halseyschools.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Jenni-Rice-Owner-Director.jpg” size=”small” style=”solid”]
In order to prepare you and the children for Kindergarten, we send fun homework packets home every Monday. The activities help your child practice the concepts they are learning at school and give you an opportunity to see some of the ways your child learns at school. Packets should be returned the following Monday. The children are not required to complete the homework, but those that do receive recognition for it during circle time. The homework is not graded or returned. | It is best to establish a consistent homework routine. We recommend doing it 2-3 days a week. For example every Monday, Wednesday & Friday or every Tuesday & Thursday. It’s up to you and your family.
Homework assignments
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Jan-Apr | May-Jun |
#1 Busy Bee Homework | #14 Busy Bee Homework |