Never divide your love; Always multiply it.

I met Judy, my boyfriend Bobby’s mother, when I was 16. She immediately welcomed me into the family treating me like her own daughter. She gave me my first job working at Halsey Schools and later became my mother-in-law.

Judy Halsey taught me how to be a caring teacher, a mentor to our staff, a dedicated director, a parental advisor, a loving wife and a mother full of unconditional love and support.

I get a lot of the credit for our program but the credit goes to Judy; I’m emulating her. Our core school philosophies, our loving-caring environment, our curriculum, our… Everything comes from her. I’ve learned so much from her. I will always love her. Always think of her. And always feel like she is helping me every step of the way as she always has.

She often said: 

Never divide your love; Always multiply it.

That is exactly what she did for her 5 boys, her daughters-in-law, her 11 grandchildren, her friends, family and thousands of preschool & elementary children and their families.

Judy passed away, fighting kidney disease, February 28, 2015 surrounded by her loving family & friends. We mourn our loss and celebrate her life & legacy.

I will continue to honor her by multiplying my love for you and your families. I can only hope I touch as many lives as she has.

Jenni Rice - Owner & Director
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