Happy Times August 2024

August Happy Times

Themes & Books

This month we will learn about Cherries, Beets, Cantaloupes, and Zucchinis. We will read Cherries and Cherry Pits, Vegetables, From Seed to Plant, and Bob & Larry’s ABC’s.


Bring it: A Book about Fruit 8/5 – 8/9 | Bottle of Bubbles 8/14 | A Shell or Rock 8/27

Wear it: Sun Hat & Sunglasses 8/22

Staff Development Training 8/20-8/21: How to Create a Peaceful Early Learning Classroom | Every month our teachers learn something new, take a look at something old from a new perspective, that reinforces and reinvigorates previous education and training, or just have some hands-on fun through our regular training programs. Scroll down to learn about our relationship with Quality Start Los Angeles (QSLA).  Get to know more about our happy teachers here.

Water Play: Please make sure your child has:

  • Bathing suit or swim diapers
  • Sunblock SPF 30 or more applied
  • Extra Sunblock
  • Water shoes
  • Water shirt
  • Towel
  • Hat
  • Summer change of clothes & regular shoes
  • Please remember to label everything

Water Play Schedule: These are the days we will have pre-planned responsible water activities. However it’s best to always have all the water play supplies at camp.

  • Infants: Random
  • Tiny Tots: M/Th
  • Toddlers: W
  • Pandas: W
  • Penguins: Th
  • Dragonflies: T
  • Busy Bees: M

Shhhhh. Surprise Readers: We have been having a lot of fun with our parents visiting as surprise readers. If you would like to participate, please arrange with your child’s teachers or Sign up here


Illness Policy: We follow a strict writte Illness Policy. PLEASE keep your child home if they are sick. It is important to keep the children & staff healthy.

Summer Change of Clothes: Please make sure your child has at least one complete set of extra summer clothes & shoes. Don’t forget to label everything.

Materials & Supplies Fee: The annual $299 materials and supplies fee will be posted on your September statement on August 20th.  If you reserved your child’s space in February/March with the Materials and Supplies fee you won’t be charged again. If you paid the registration fee to start in August or September, the Materials & Supplies Fee is waived.  As indicated in the fee’s name, the funds are used to help purchase new materials and supplies for the children.

Wear Sunscreen Everyday: Children (10 months- 6yrs)  should come to school wearing an SPF 30 or more on all exposed areas of the skin. If you would like us to re-apply a medication form must be completed. We also recommend wearing a hat. We will be having a lot of outdoor fun!  (Always consult your child’s physician.)

Quality Start Los Angeles (QSLA): We have teamed up again with QSLA to make our program even better. QSLA provides another set of eyes with regular observations of our classrooms, teachers, & facilities. We set goals together and work closely to improve where we can be better and keep doing what’s successful! They provide tons of opportunities for hands-on training sessions, new ideas and perspectives, latest research and MORE! Let us know how you think we are doing here. Or give us 5 stars on yelp!

Jenni Rice - Owner & Director
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